Our facilities
Sai Rougn Residence is a haven of peace where you can enjoy the premises during your stay.
The pool
How about sipping a cocktail or a fresh coconut by the pool?
Lay down under an umbrella and enjoy the warming sun during a family day or a quiet break from the city.
Our pool bar will serve you fresh drinks all day long...
The garden
This is Thailand! An exotic garden, palm trees and tropical flowers...
Stay in the shade and enjoy the delicate scent of frangipani flowers. Escape from the crowd and crazy city nights in our relaxing garden, typically thai!
The restaurant
Craving for a snack or just in need of a break with a fresh smoothie? Our restaurant will welcome you on the terrasse from breakfast to dinner!
Stay fit during your vacation with our fitness room.
Of cours air-con is available!
Thai massage, foot massage after a long day or even the famous and relaxing oil massage...
Right by the hotel swimming pool, enjoy a peaceful moment with our massage place. Close your eyes and relax. You're on vacation!